Everything about my recent experience with ComForCare was exceptional!
Despite needing service on very short notice, they provided an excellent, professional, compassionate driver who knew the area. The trip was fast, comfortable and pleasant.
Their rates are excellent and affordable.
Thank you.
Rita from Monroe, NC
The owners are very hands on and dedicated to their business and customers. They make the difference compared to a corporate run business. I highly recommend ComForCare.
I was most impressed by the professionalism of the driver, Tina. She arrived promptly each pickup and called before she came. I felt nervous and worried about getting eye surgery but her pleasant personality calmed me which really helped. Also, the office staff treated me in a friendly manner and always answered my questions. I would definitely recommend ComForCare for any caregiving services.
I would recommend ComForCare Home Care to my friends and others who are interested in using elderly care. Our Care Taker Tina has been excellent with her services.
Doing things I need to get done. Taking me in his car to do some of them and helping me in my yard to pull up weeds or walk the dog.
But best of all is the basic friendship.
The willingness to help me decide what needs to be done and do it.
Taking me out into the area to shop. I have no car.
Just being a friend when I am lonely and need company.
Being willing to help in my yard - work out among the flowers.
They have been very helpful in scheduling and keeping me with a list of the care givers each week. All the caregivers have been very kind and have given him great care.