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   405 Reviews
300 N Washington St, Suite 106
Alexandria, VA 22314
703- 683-0777
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Recent Reviews:

Alexandria, VA
Small and private gym with no more than a handful of people around at any one time. Excellent trainer!

I have really enjoyed Fitness Together. No stress or pressure, just working out, challenging myself, and having fun!

Sessions go by fast and I so appreciate how FT Alexandria has accommodated me with excellent virtual sessions and rescheduling when I am traveling or sick.

Cornelius, NC
Great owner and great trainer. Excellent customer service and knowledgeable about fitness.

Very pleased with the training with Heather. She is very knowledgeable and adapts my training to my needs. Thanks!

Alexandria, VA
The friendly, knowledgable trainers and the friendly atmosphere.

I seriously can never quit this place. I feel very fit, very heard in my need for my fitness goals, and overall the staff and quality is top of the line.

Services are geared for the client. It is not exercise for exercise sake, but exercise or movement with a specific target. I appreciate the patience of the instructor as I learn the use of the apparatus or the correct sequence. She is very clear on instructions. I also appreciate the acceptance of stage of development I am at. I would like to hear more on how a specific exercise is helping balance and flexibility. So far after 24 sessions it has been great, thanks Heather! [FIRST NAME REMOVED]

The trainers are great and very knowledgeable. The workouts intensity is measured and tailored to one's specific needs, goals and progression. Really happy I found this place and joined!.

I so appreciate the individually tailored plan and workouts. The seasions go by so quickly. I definitely wouldn’t have made the progress I have in strength, range of motion, and flexibility on my own. It is also very nice when people tell me they can see a difference in me.

Alexandria, VA
Professionalism and expertise of the trainers, responsiveness of trainers and management, personalization of training experience.

Cornelius, NC
Great trainer and owner/management

Alexandria, VA
Fitness Together is an amazing place to be a member of. The whole team is thoughtful and kind. Working with them have helped me improve my physical wellness and strength over the last 2 years. I used to suffer from knee and back pain almost everyday but now I feel amazing. I would recommend each and every trainer to anyone who wants to improve their fitness. Plus, the team is just a joy to be around. They make me laugh every time I workout. Thank you!

Great workout! Great trainer and the studio location is convenient to my home and good studio.

Alexandria, VA
I like the knowledgable, friendly, helpful trainers. Everyone is so friendly and nice!

Services are geared to the specific individual. The instructor engenders confidence as she is very knowledgeable about how the human body works. Every action has a reaction and she is very aware of this principle. I appreciate her person as an instructor. She is top notch!! Above all she knows how to deal with “older folks”. Lee Wick

I very much appreciate the tailored approach and the non-gym vibe. All the sessions are one-on-one and go by really fast. I have complete faith in the trainers and have leveraged the option for virtual sessions as well.

Convenient , knowledgeable about 80+ Needs, waiting to hear about second session!

Excellent, individually tailored workouts and one-on-one attention make all the difference. Fitness Together is a great resource for clients of any and all fitness levels.

I'm seeing results and I love the trainers!