My boys joined the soccer team for the first time this season and they both love it. They both made incredible progress with all her skills and became more confident in their ability to play sports. We absolutely love coach Barbie and Couch Cordale and we are looking forward to Saturdays so we can play soccer again. Thank you so much for everything you do :)
I love that the games and practices are the same day! I love that it’s all on the weekend. I love the sportsmanship medal that encourages courtesy within the team. I enjoy the set up of the fields as it allows me to watch both of my children play on different teams due to ages.
This is our first season with I9 and I am very happy with our experience so far.
We love coach Alesia! She’s so good with the kids. My son is autistic so I always worry about competitive sports but she’s amazing about managing that and encouraging the kids to just be their awesome selves. As someone who’s insanely busy, I love that the games and practices are only on the weekends.
We love the ability to try out different activities without a huge commitment. The location is easy and close to home making it very convenient. It’s convenient to have multiple kids in different teams in one spot on same day. Coach Alesia has been WONDERFUL in soccer. The downside of i9 is being on a new team every season and not always having a coach, or having a coach who is well experienced and this can make or break the experience. The i9 staff has been extra wonderful this season. I think hiring coaches could make a more consistent positive experience.
The Soccer Referees are patient and kind to the children. The man who seems to be the supervisor is also very friendly and assures parents & spectators are positively involved and cheering the kids on. Coach JP emphasizes the Word of the Week (sportsmanship, respect, etc) during practices with the kids each week, and assures that having fun is the top priority.