Coaching is good, I have a young son so the guidance of learning the sport is important. I like that you offer skills clinics- needs a little more instruction and refining of skills but over all good.
Your staff is very courteous and very professional. They make sure that everything runs very smoothly. They answer questions point you in the right direction. Always smiling and willing to help in any way they can. The referee's are wonderful in how they are patient with the kids and especially how they direct and teach the children. All 3 of my grandchildren & 4 nieces and nephews enjoy playing flag football and basketball. Thank you for all you do and for those parents that volunteer there time to teach and train all of these young children.
This year with Football has been extremely exciting. From the coordinator, down to the coaches, to referees. Everyone has been helpful especially with our babies on the field. Last year, we had a difficult time with Basketball in Humble to where we lost players towards the end of the season. Each game was unorganized, the head person over everything was rude, one team had a thousand players so it became a challenge for our babies to play. To make a long story short, I will be coming back through Kingwood for our next go around. Mr. Scott, you have an amazing group of people out here who makes it easy for us parents to just sit back and relax an watch our littles one play. Thank you for a better experience this year and for more years to come.
Really enjoyed the soccer experience in the Woodlands this season.
The i9 administration team was quick and efficient responding to questions and everything was clear and ran smoothly.
Additionally, our team didn't have any volunteer coaches so an i9 employee (Max) stepped up week 1 until a parent eventually took over. Max was stellar with the parents and with the kids and really passionate about the kids enjoying the game and improving. Even after he wasn't formally involved with our team, we loved seeing him when he stopped by to say hello and check in during subsequent weeks. Can't say enough about him.
My son was in the 4yr old group and it was so entertaining watching them all running around having fun. No loud, mean coaching or parents. Just all the kids having fun while we sit back and smile.
The coaches for the basketball program we took at Rob Fleming are outstanding. They do a wonderful job of encouraging the kids and teaching essential skills.