Mathnasium of Fort Lauderdale Googlemaps

   230 Reviews
2990 North Federal Highway
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33306
(954) 441-6284
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Recent Reviews:


We love mathnasium! My kids do not complain to Do their lessons they love the treats! Keep up the great work.

My 10 yr old son just started Mathnasium/Fort Lauderdale/Commercial blvd., and he is enjoying it and I think it is really helping him! Thank you. [NAME REMOVED]

Wonderful, my daughter has been coming to mathnesium for years and she is now wonderful at math, it allows you to go at your own rythm.

My daughter really does enjoy going and Pie day really showed how much the staff care and try to make it fun at Mathnasium. I do wish they helped her with her current school work since she is still struggling but I am seeing gains and she is not hating math so still a win for me! I have already recommended Mathnasium to others. Unfortunately it really is a big expense when I speak to other parenst but I will continue to recommend Mathnasium!

My daughter has been attending Mathnasium weekly for many years, and has always maintained an A or high B average in Math. I don't think she would have achieved that on her own, so I'm thankful to our local center for keeping her prepared! They have done a wonderful job!

My daughter has been going to Mathnasium for 3 years. We started right after pandemic. She was really struggling with math. Now, she is very confident with her math skills. She enjoys every session, and she learned so much. If not Mathnasium, I don’t what we would do. Thank you to Mathnasium team for helping my daughter to understand and love math.

Great atmosphere and my kids are really motivated by the prizes! Thank you for keeping them motivated to learn math!

My twins who are in grade 2 loved going to Mathnasium! They connected with their mentors and enjoyed the prizes the earned. I would recommend to anyone whose child struggles with math or just wants to be more comfortable with their number sense!

My kids are having a great time and I love that they’re ahead of the game!

Thanks to your efforts my daughter is improving in her math class, and she enjoy studying.

We have had a great experience. Although we have not been the best with setting our appointments online, the center manager has always been willing to set our times or make changes over the phone which is greatly appreciated. All the tutors have been friendly and flexible in helping our children work on their homework as well as progress on their Mathnasium learning plan.

Love how much they’ve helped my son advance in math. He started when he was struggling his freshman year after covid online learning for brief stint and it was best decision ever.

Thank you Mathnasium Your system is very helpful in creating a method that works for understanding math and achieving great results

My son loves Mathnasium! Helps him tremendously with his homework and learn some things prior to school program, so he feels like he is ahead of the game

My children have both learned and grown tremendously in the study of math thanks to this program. My kids enjoy it and are appreciative of the support they receive and value their instructors as role models.

Great facility to work with. My child has confidence in Math.

Sean is very happy with his tutors at Mathnasium. Says they help tremendously and wants to continue this summer

Mathnasium has kept their word in helping my daughters’ excel in math. They are very accommodating to any changes needed, and has friendly staff. Hopefully the price doesn’t continue to rise but still worth the $$.

My son making improvements!!!Adriana and her teams are fantastic!!!I if your child is struggling for math send them to Mathnasium and you will love to result!!Thank you Adriana and teams❤️❤️❤️